Friday, April 4, 2014

Art Hyde

When I started getting my degree in math, I never thought I'd love it as much as I do. I never could have foreseen myself waxing poetic about numbers and patterns. Yet here I am, reading and rereading this amazing Art Hyde quote saying, "YES! YES! THIS IS IT!"

"The question is: what forces are at work to dampen our children's inherent awe and wonder, their excitement about learning, and their facility with mathematics? The early years of schooling present children with a torrent of messages that they must do math in one particular way, that there is one right answer, and one right way to find it. They are told what to memorize, shown the proper way to write down problems and answers in symbolic notations, and given a satchel full of gimmicks they don't understand. No matter that they don't understand what they are trying to memorize. Does anyone ask if the symbols make any sense to them? Does anyone notice that they have ceased to trust their own reasoning or intuition borne of experience? Many children (and adults too) see mathematics as arcane, mystical. They believe that understanding mathematics is beyond most mere mortals. Can the children get the answer quickly, efficiently, and accurately? That's all that matters."

Passion + wonder + experience + inquiry = the best learning situations! This is true for ALL subject areas. I'm so lucky to have such a fantastic freaking job that lets me experience this each day!

I am feeling inspired to go plan some units.

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